Adelicia Park
The first urban green space of it’s kind…
Protected forever by the Land Trust of Tennessee, Adelicia Park offers residents their own idyllic escape. With features such as a reflecting pond and patios, bountiful gardens, a commissioned sculpture of Adelicia Acklen and a meticulously manicured lawn, the Park is the perfect street level companion to the graceful architecture of the Adelicia above.

Adelicia Park
Personal Space
Across the street from the entrance to the Adelicia, the Park extends 21,000 square feet (0.5 acre).
Located directly across from the original site of Adelicia Acklen’s childhood home, Rokeby, the Park shares the same tract of land as the gardens Adelicia tended more than 150 years ago.
A unique recreational feature: the perfect place for a garden party, an intimate acoustic performance, a sunrise yoga class or merely someplace to read and have a glass of wine after work.
A reprieve from the stereotypically gray cityscape, the Park enhances the character of Midtown for neighbors and passers-by.

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